I blog about topics related to mental heath and wellness

Health and Wellness Blog
Reiki soothes wisdom tooth surgery
I had two opportunities to combine arnica, a homeopathic remedy for traumatic injury and reiki. Both my twin girls required all four wisdom teeth surgery to make room for their orthodontic treatment. After reading my herbal teacher's excellent blog on how he...
Change and peace
A million dollar lottery will not make dreams come true!
In my new career as a Financial Advisor, I had an “aha” moment, during my own financial review with my superior. She asked what dreams would I allow to come true if I won a million dollars? I said my three priorities were to clear outstanding debts, deepen my...
“You grow to heaven............ ........You don't go to heaven.” -Edgar Cayce, The Sleeping Prophet
Reiki uses
How I have benefited from Reiki: Healing / relaxing / comforting clients with hands-on technique Supporting sick friends or family separated by distance, with relief over the phone or through distance healing. For example, a friend undergoing cancer treatment...
The road…
The road to heaven goes through hell... -MK
The shift…
How do you step up from your own life events? There is a link between our life events and spiritual growth, but how do you perceive it? I can tell you it's very hard to 'see' when you are in your mind space. There the reaction is analytical and emotional. Like a bird...
The right path…
Awareness creates choices
We live in two worlds: the outer world where 99% of our time and energy is directed there. The other, our inner world of thoughts and feelings, which is where we really live, drives the quality of our life. Awareness is a tool with which you can study your inner...
Rumi Wisdom
"The wound is the place where the Light enters you." – Rumi - Duly Posted.
Pain: are you hurting?
The most important way to know ourselves is through our pain. Especially the deeper, chronic pain. That is because it is always there, always reminding us of its presence. It might be emotional, mental, physical, social, financial or spiritual. It might be ignored,...
Believe Nothing..
Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. - Gautama Buddha

What my Clients Say…
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